Last Updated on 1 year by Greg Noland

This Fifteen Point Checklist is going to be so useful in your business…

​When you’ve got something to sell, you’re gonna need to present your offer.

So, you’ll need to tell your prospect…

  • What you’ve got for them
  • What’s it gonna do for them (WIIFM)
  • What you want in return

Sounds simple, right?

Well, it is.

But most copywriters / marketers still get it wrong.

Many newbie copywriters (and some experienced) get caught up in how much their prospects should want what they’re offering.

And then they get surprised when they don’t respond.

But here’s the truth…

If you’ve got something that can improve their life, it’s your duty to offer it to as many people as possible.

As an example…

Many subscribers to this blog know I’m also the CEO of The Bum Gun Company as well as Head Copywriter for Red Scorpion Marketing

So with The Bum Gun, I have an absolute opportunity to drastically improve the quality of people’s lives.

Therefore, it is my duty to help people discover The Bum Gun product.

And look, if you’re still using toilet paper, you might be sitting there right now thinking “what’s this guy on about?”

I know. I get it.

The reason you’re thinking like that is you’ve been conditioned to think there’s nothing wrong with toilet paper.

Whether you accept it or not, ever since you were old enough to watch TV, massive multi-billion dollar corporations have been brain-washing you with toilet paper advertising.

But if you’ve ever spent any time in Asia, you’ll know Asians think it is ‘disgusting’ that western people are still using toilet paper in the 21st century.

And obviously, I’m totally on the side of Asia.

  • I hate toilet paper.
  • It’s disgusting.
  • It never gets you clean.
  • It hurts like hell.
  • It breaks your skin, so is dangerously unhygienic.

And because of all these facts, it is my DUTY to let as many people know about The Bum Gun as possible.

How do I do that?

With exciting, appealing offers…

So, how to make an appealing offer to your customers?

Here are a few things to think about…



The Fifteen Point Checklist…


1. Are you making the most appealing offers you can?

In the world of marketing, it’s crucial to ensure that your offers are as appealing as possible. 

An appealing offer has the power to captivate your audience and entice them to take action. By making your offers irresistible, you increase the chances of converting potential customers into loyal ones who’ll eagerly wait for every product you produce. Note: 1,000 True Fans

To make the most appealing offers, you need to consider various factors such as the value proposition, uniqueness, and relevance to your target market.


2. Is the offer written to appeal to their “Hot Buttons”?

Understanding your target audience’s “Hot Buttons” is essential in crafting compelling offers. 

Hot Buttons refer to the emotional triggers and desires of your potential customers. 

By identifying these hot buttons, you can tailor your offer’s messaging and content to resonate with their needs and aspirations. For example, if your target audience values convenience, you can highlight how your offer saves them time and effort. 

By appealing to their hot buttons, you increase the likelihood of capturing their attention and driving them to take action.

I wrote all about these Emotional Hot Buttons in this post >> CLICK HERE


3. Is the offer written to correspond with market demographics?

E.g. Males, females, young, mature, liberal or conservative, etc.?

Every market has its unique demographics, including age, gender, and political affiliation. To ensure the effectiveness of your offer, it’s crucial to write it in a way that corresponds with your target market’s demographics. 

For instance, if your product is primarily targeted towards young adults, you might use trendy language and visual elements that appeal to their taste. 

By aligning your offer with market demographics, you can establish a stronger connection with your potential customers and increase their likelihood of engagement.


4. Does the offer compel the reader to read it, and is it easy to understand?

An offer that fails to grab the reader’s attention is unlikely to generate results. It’s crucial to create a compelling offer that compels the reader to read it. 

Use attention-grabbing headlines, persuasive language, and engaging storytelling techniques to capture their interest from the start. 

And, make sure that your offer is easy to understand by using clear and concise language. 

Avoid jargon or complex terminology that might confuse your audience. A clear and compelling offer increases the chances of converting readers into customers.


5. Does the offer make your reader want to buy?

The ultimate goal of any offer is to drive conversions and sales. To achieve this, your offer should create a strong desire in the reader to make a purchase. 

Highlight the benefits and unique selling points of your product or service in a way that appeals to their needs and desires. 

Utilize persuasive language and storytelling techniques to evoke emotions and generate a sense of urgency. 

By making your readers want to buy, you increase the likelihood of conversion and sales.


6. Does your offer use any or all of these incentives to drive a response?

Incentives play a vital role in enticing customers to respond to your offer. Consider using any or all of the following incentives to boost your response rates:

  1. Free Gift: Offer a complimentary item or service to incentivize potential customers.
  2. Contest: Run a contest where participants have a chance to win prizes related to your product or service.
  3. Free Trial Offer: Provide a limited-time trial period for customers to experience your product or service before committing.
  4. Installment Terms: Offer flexible payment options that allow customers to spread out their payments over time.
  5. Price Savings: Highlight any discounts or price reductions to make the offer more enticing.
  6. Money-Back Guarantee: Assure customers that they can receive a refund if they are not satisfied with the purchase.

By incorporating these incentives into your offer, you create additional value and motivation for customers to respond and take advantage of your offer.


7. Is the price “right” for this product and market?

Determining the optimal price for your product or service is crucial for maximizing sales and profitability. 

While it may be tempting to underprice your offering in an attempt to attract more customers, it can actually diminish the perceived value and quality. 

Conduct market research to understand the price range that your target market is willing to pay for similar products or services. 

Strike a balance between affordability and profitability, ensuring that the price reflects the value and benefits provided by your offer.


8. Is there a strong money-back guarantee?

Including a strong money-back guarantee can alleviate any concerns or doubts potential customers may have about making a purchase. 

A robust guarantee demonstrates your confidence in the quality and effectiveness of your offer. It gives customers peace of mind, knowing that they can request a refund if they are not satisfied with their purchase. 

A strong money-back guarantee builds trust and credibility, encouraging hesitant customers to take the leap and try your product or service.


9. Does the offer include FREE premiums to increase the perceived value of the offer?

Adding free premiums to your offer can significantly enhance its perceived value. 

Customers love getting something extra for free, and it can make your offer more enticing. 

Premiums can take various forms, such as additional products, exclusive access, or bonus features. 

By providing valuable extras at no additional cost, you increase the perceived value of your offer, making it more appealing and worthwhile for potential customers.


10. Is there anything about the offer that could adversely affect the consumers’ confidence in the company making this offer?

(Hint: Remove all the reasons not to buy!)

Building trust and confidence in your brand is crucial for successful marketing. 

Evaluate your offer from the customer’s perspective and identify any elements that could undermine their confidence in your company. 

Address and eliminate potential roadblocks or concerns. For example, ensure that your website is secure and displays trust symbols such as SSL certificates. 

Highlight positive customer testimonials and reviews to showcase social proof. 

By removing any reasons for doubt, you strengthen the consumers’ confidence in your company and increase the likelihood of conversion.


11. Does your offer lend itself to the development of an “automatic” repeat business cycle?

Creating an offer that encourages repeat business is a powerful way to establish long-term customer relationships and increase profitability. 

Consider how your offer can foster customer loyalty and repeat purchases. 

Can you provide complementary products or services that align with the initial purchase? 

Can you offer a subscription or membership program that offers ongoing value? 

By designing your offer with the intention of generating repeat business, you can cultivate a loyal customer base and drive sustainable growth.


12. Have you determined the ideal introductory period or quantity for your offer?

When introducing a new offer, it’s essential to consider the ideal introductory period or quantity. This decision depends on various factors, including the nature of your product or service and the preferences of your target market. 

For subscription-based models, consider offering a free trial or discounted initial period to allow customers to experience the value before committing. 

Alternatively, for limited-quantity products, consider creating a sense of urgency by offering limited-time availability or exclusive offers for early adopters. 

Finding the ideal balance between scarcity and value can help optimize the initial response to your offer.


13. Have you determined the ideal introductory price for your offer?

Setting the right introductory price for your offer requires careful consideration. It’s essential to strike a balance between profitability and customer perception. 

Pricing too high may deter potential customers, while pricing too low may devalue the offering and lead to lower profits. 

Conduct market research to understand the price sensitivity of your target audience and compare it to the perceived value of your offer. 

Consider factors such as production costs, competitive pricing, and the overall positioning of your brand. 

By determining the ideal introductory price, you can maximize revenue while still appealing to your target market.


14. Have you determined the possibility of multiple sales for your offer?

Expanding the sales potential of your offer beyond the initial purchase can significantly impact your business’s success. 

Consider how you can upsell or cross-sell additional products or services to customers who have already made a purchase. This could involve offering complementary items, upgrades, or package deals. 

By maximizing the lifetime value of each customer, you can increase revenue and build stronger customer relationships. 

Continuously analyze your customer data and behaviour to identify opportunities for multiple sales and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.


15. Is the order phone number easy to find in the offer, and is it correct?

Ensuring that customers can easily contact you to place their order is essential for a seamless and successful transaction. Make sure that the order phone number is prominently displayed within the offer, making it easily visible and accessible. 

Double-check that the phone number is correct and functional. A simple mistake in the contact information can lead to missed sales opportunities and frustrated customers. 

By providing a clear and correct order phone number, you facilitate the purchasing process and enhance customer satisfaction.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I create appealing offers that stand out from the competition?

A: To create appealing offers, focus on understanding your target audience, addressing their pain points, and highlighting unique selling points that differentiate your product or service. Utilize persuasive language, compelling visuals, and incentives to capture attention and generate interest.

Q: How do I determine the right price for my product or service?

A: Conduct market research, analyze competitor pricing, and consider the value and benefits provided by your offering. Find a balance between affordability and profitability, taking into account the perceived value by your target market.

Q: What can I do to build trust and confidence in my company and offer?

A: Showcase positive customer testimonials and reviews, provide transparent and clear communication, offer strong guarantees, and ensure a secure purchasing process. Consistently deliver on promises and provide exceptional customer service to establish trust and credibility.

Q: How can I encourage repeat business with my offer?

A: Consider offering loyalty programs, subscription options, or incentives for repeat purchases. Provide ongoing value, maintain regular communication with customers, and offer exclusive deals or discounts to reward loyalty.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating an offer?

A: Avoid underpricing your product, neglecting to address customer objections or concerns, providing unclear or confusing information, and failing to differentiate your offer from competitors. Remove any barriers that might hinder customers from taking action.

Q: How can I optimize my offer for better conversions?

A: Continuously test and optimize your offer’s elements, such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, visuals, and pricing. Use persuasive copywriting techniques, compelling storytelling, and strategic placement of incentives to encourage action and drive conversions.

Final thoughts on This Fifteen Point Checklist…

Crafting an appealing offer requires careful consideration of various factors, from understanding your target audience’s hot buttons to determining the ideal price and incentives. 

By applying the fifteen-point checklist provided in this post, you can enhance the effectiveness of your offers, increase customer engagement, and drive better results. 

Remember to continuously analyze and optimize your offers based on customer feedback and market trends. 

With a well-crafted offer, you can captivate your audience, drive conversions, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

That should be enough to get your brain juices going…

Go have a look at your last offer, right NOW!! See if you can improve it with my checklist.

That should be enough to get your brain juices going…

Go have a look at your last offer, right NOW!! See if you can improve it with my checklist.

I’d love to keep going…

…but the wifey is calling as it’s Friday gym time…

Talk soon buddy…


Yours for Bigger Profits, More Often,

Greg Noland

Red Scorpion’s Head Copywriter

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