Last Updated on 2 years by Greg Noland


Not sure Ben Settle will hate what I’m about to say about him.

He probably doesn’t give a toss to be honest.

I’ve not met Ben yet, but I’m sure I’m on his radar (maybe more so after he reads this post – whoops!)

Bet his real-life personality is different from what we see.

On the other hand, his business persona is brash, almost unfriendly and pretty grumpy at the best of times.

He calls himself a “slacker.”

And still Ben’s style of copywriting has given him almost “God-like status among the A-List Copywriters”.

And his “slack arse” style gives him the quality of life, few of us will ever sniff.

Over, the next few days, April 15th to April 19th

…you have the chance to grab his mega-successful course, Ten-Minute Workday for a huge chunk of the list price of $2,500.

Between April 15th to April 19th …you can get hold of this course for the Sale Price of $1,500.

This will be small change when you start earning $500 an email. That’s on the low side. There are plenty of copywriters who learned their mustard by following Ben Settle relentlessly.

And they are earning a cool $1,000 and $1,500 per email…

…I spoke to one such copywriter last night in fact.

He said, he couldn’t give anything but the highest gratitude for what Ben Settle taught him.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Ben’s monthly newsletter, the Email Players.

Over the past 15 years, Ben’s ad copy, email campaigns, and deep knowledge of marketing strategies have helped tons of his clients millions of dollars in sales in hyper-competitive, “cutthroat” markets.

No two ways about it, Ben Settle knows his stuff…

His ‘contrarian’ methods have received mega reviews from the ‘crème de la crème of A-list copywriters and marketers’, including Mark Ford, Clayton Makepeace, Bob Bly, Brian Kurtz, David Deutsch, and tons of others.

Is Ben Settle controversial? Of course…wouldn’t have it any other way…

Is Ben Settle provocative?

I guess he is. But hugely entertaining and a treasure chest of marketing information.

And if you’re super-serious about becoming an ‘A-List Copywriter’ you need a true champ of copywriting in your corner…


How do I get to Ben’s quality?

You have three opportunities to have a chance of getting close to the quality of Ben Settle in your own career…

  1. Learn ‘Ben copywriting’ through becoming a monthly subscriber to his newsletter, Email Players – Slow Way!
  2. Learn from how he develops his persona in his writing. Also, slow.
  3. Invest in Ben’s Ten-Minute Workday today, save $1,000 today, and work your butt off for the next 6 months learning everything you can from Ben Settle. Get the absolute maximum benefit from your $1,500 investment. And probably get your investment back after your first month working with your new clients.

Does everyone make it to 6-figure copywriting status?

Of course not.

Look, I don’t know you.

Even if you invest in the Ten-Minute Workday, put the work in, and study hard through the course. You might still not have it in you to make a dime back.

To become an expert in anything, you need a bit more than just hard work.

Copywriting is the same

You need to constantly use your judgement, and that takes smarts, skill and experience.

You can’t learn these skills just from investing in the Ten-Minute Workday.

Also, not everyone can make it as a copywriter.

Let’s face it, a lot of people are too dumb to make it as an A list copywriter.


Don’t get me wrong, the Ten-Minute Workday is an excellent course.

I helped hone my copywriting chops immensely.

Plus I paid the FULL price.

But you can’t take some random bozo off the street and give them a short copywriting course and instantly turn them into someone capable of generating $100k+ worth of value for themselves as a freelancer.

Becoming a world-class copywriter that really gets results takes time, hard work, a good brain, a stack of books and constant application.

If you still think you can do this, huge congratulations!

Like I said earlier, you can grab Ben Settle’s flagship course, the Ten-Minute Workday for only $1,500, which you should get back from your first few clients, within 1-3 months.


Get Cranking Killer Copy Buddy,

Greg “Ben Settle Rocks” Noland

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