Last Updated on 11 months by Greg Noland

I’ve had many mentors and coaches since I started my online business back in 1995. Russell and I have had similar mentors, so here are a few things I think will help in your journey towards business success.

  1. Always Write Your Sales Letter First

Write the sales letter first. Come up with the best offer, the most insane bonuses, and the craziest claims you can think of. Write with abandon—the only limit is your imagination. Create the best marketing vehicle for your imaginary product, and when you’re finished, you’ll have an incredible sales letter. Your next job is to make the product live up to the sales letter.” – Russell Brunson

This lesson will stick with me forever. I used to think that you needed to create your product first and then work on marketing and sales.

But, it’s actually better to write your sales letter BEFORE creating your product.


Because when you write your sales letter, you’re creating a vision for what your product should be. You outline all the amazing things that you want to do.

And always go beyond the limits.

Stretch what’s possible about your product on the first draft.

Then dial it back as needed on the final draft.

This backwards approach has transformed my marketing company.

Try it once and I promise, you’ll never go back to the old way.

  1. Find A Mentor

No.2 and 3 are linked as you will see.

If you study any great marketer, Russell included, you’ll see that they surround themselves with high-performers. This isn’t an accident. They actively look for advice and mentorship from the best of the best.

That behavior helps them elevate their performance.

One of the best ways to accelerate your results is to get help from people with more experience than you.

And one mentor usually won’t see you from where you are to the finishing line.

You’ll most likely need multiple mentors over the coming years.

If you’re just starting out…

One mentor might get you from $0 per month to $1000.

Then another mentor from $1000 per month to $10,000.

Then a different one from $10,000 per month to $100,000.

The truth is that you can’t learn every skill you need to succeed in business because there isn’t enough time. You need help from other people who have already become experts in their respective fields.

This helps you accelerate your growth because you don’t have to go through the process of learning.

  1. Never Stop Learning

All the best marketers are obsessive learners. Russell also learns through testing, analyzing, reading, and getting 1-on-1 advice from mentors.

I’ve heard him say that he collected advertisements when he was younger because he enjoyed studying them so much.

He’s also read hundreds of books on advertising, marketing, sales, etc.

Plus, he’s studied all the great direct marketing greats like Gary Halbert and Dan Kennedy.

Russell is a passionate learner and seeks new information that can help him 10x everything he’s doing.

  1. Test Test Test

Testing is the best way to achieve marketing and business success.

Russell emphasizes the idea that you should rely on market feedback. Not you or others opinions or theories. Let people’s credit cards do the talking.

He is always testing and lets the data guide his decisions.

That’s something that you should be doing with every promotion you create.

One book I use with every promotion I create is another of Russell’s books, “108 Proven Split Tests Winners”.

Super helpful book.

  1. Love What You Do

Having an insane passion for what you do will elevate you above other entrepreneurs.

Russell’s energy is unmatched and that’s because he loves what he does. If you want to achieve success, I think you gotta love what you do.

Entrepreneurship is HARD and you need to love what you’re doing to push forward.

Steve Jobs said it perfectly:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs


  1. Don’t Get Your Knickers in a Twist

I started my first website in 1995 when I was living in USA. And like Russell I consistently work at my game plan. You need this type of commitment.

Becoming “successful” in whatever you do takes TIME. This is one thing that most people never talk about when it comes to success. It doesn’t matter how hard or how effective you work.

It will still take a massive amount of energy and persistence to reach your goals.

Be consistent every day, and improve 1% every week.

  1. Your Money is Made on the Backend

Todd Brown and Russell know that backend sales are more important than front end sales.

This methodology is the foundation of ClickFunnels.

Russell knows you should offer low-end products on the front-end and then sell your higher priced products on the backend.

The front-end offer is used to pay for your advertising and to acquire leads. Once someone pulls out their credit card, it becomes easier to sell them other products.

Russell refers to this as sending them up the value ladder.

  1. You Must Get Attention

Effective marketing and advertising grabs your ideal customers’ attention. This is particularly important on social media when people are mindlessly scrolling.

You’ll notice that Russell’s ads are purposely disruptive, often using pattern interrupts.

He does this because he knows that you can’t drive leads and sales without capturing people’s interest and attention.

Attention is everything.

Work on this skill and you’ll build huge revenue for your company.

  1. Sales Are Everything (In the Beginning)

Distractions are everywhere when you start your business.

Should you do social media? Should you redesign your website? Should you do SEO? Should you do Adwords?

The possibilities are endless.

These things are all distractions in the beginning.

All that matters in the beginning is selling your product and/or service.

“The only thing that matters, if you want to go from zero to a million dollars, is sales. Sales are the only thing that matters.” – Russell Brunson


No one knows how good your product is until they use it.

That’s why you have to focus on creating a minimum viable product and then put it into the market.

  1. Make Decisions Based on Market Feedback

You don’t know anything about your market until you get market feedback.

Ryan Levesque is also a master at this. If you don’t get market feedback, your business is built on nothing but opinions and theories.

And they don’t pay the bills.

You have to TEST your opinions and theories. You must get real market feedback.

Don’t be scared because it’s the best way to grow your business.

  1. Use Scarcity Ethically 

Unfortunately, Internet marketers have abused scarcity beyond belief. Some Internet marketers use fake scarcity to get people to buy their products.

This is wrong.

If you use scarcity, use it properly. Or you’ll be found out, and look a dick.

Russell knows that scarcity is key to driving sales.

There are many ethical ways to tap into this deep principle of human psychology.

You can use deadlines, limited time discounts, expiring bonuses, limited quantities, or even limited spots available.

It will depend on the type of product you sell.

  1. Create a Movement

One thing that Russell does better than most people I’ve seen is to build a community around his products. The ClickFunnels community is super connected and strong.

That all came from a potato gun!

The ClickFunnels community is like having thousands of sales people.

  1. Embrace Imperfection

No actions are perfect. No products are perfect. Nothing is perfect.

There’s no such thing (Apart from my mother!)

You can aim for perfection, but at a certain point, you must put your work out.

Because at the end of the day, you don’t know how “good” or “bad” something is until people interact with it.

“Imperfect action means you create the minimum viable product and test it as soon as possible. Let the market vote with their credit cards and tell you whether you should spend more time and money on it. Imperfect action builds more millionaires than perfection, every day of the week.” – Russell Brunson

Embrace imperfect action and you’ll achieve insane results.

  1. Get Ready To Fire Yourself

Your end goal is to sell your business. The only way to do that is through building systems and hiring the right people.

Richard Branson and Russell have surrounded themselves with A-players who help their companies achieve huge goals.

They know you can only go so far by yourself.


Final Thoughts…

Russell has achieved tremendous success in business and entrepreneurship.

He has dedicated himself to his craft for a long-time.

That’s the only way to achieve mastery in anything. You must be willing to put the graft in.

The biggest factor that people forget or ignore when trying to achieve success is the total time needed.

Achieving success in whatever you’re doing takes time and there’s no way around that.

If you expect to be successful within a couple of years, you’ll be disappointed.

Play the long game and your efforts will compound overtime, which leads to more success. Ultimately, the more you act and learn, the more effective you become.

The more effective you become, the easier success becomes.

Now go out and crush it!

stay safe with Greg Noland

Remember, the books are FREE + a small shipping fee. See links below…

Stay Safe My Friend & Get Cranking Killer Copy,

 Greg “Brunson’s Books Rock” Noland

P.S. And, just a tip – – if you’re wanting to LISTEN to Russell’s books, you can grab the audiobook as an add-on option, and listen to it when you’re in the gym, waiting for your daughter to finish in the bathroom, or waiting for the mrs to finish shopping.

Claim Your Copies on the links below… 

And I’ll be a second set of eyes looking into one of your current projects.

P.P.P.S: Grab your copies of Russell Brunson’s 3 books from these links:

Dot Com Secrets

Expert Secrets

Traffic Secrets



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