Last Updated on 1 year by Greg Noland

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G’day, Greg here!

How have you been going with my latest ‘Success Series’?

If you’ve been on Planet Zog for a few days and missed this epic series CLICK HERE for Day 1.


Before I continue with the Success Series, something important has come across my desk this morning, which I believe you must see…




Please do NOT mistake this for a hidden sales pitch.

You will see precisely how any business are creating and bringing buckets of sales IF you pay attention!!


I’m sorry if this is too blunt and direct…


But it’s for your own good.
If you want to really grow your business and get rich, you need to stop screwing around with the newest marketing gizmo and resist the temptation to veer off from your strategy…

Shiny new object syndrome will kill your business…

IF you allow it to…

Look, we’ve all been there…

I’ve spent a fortune in the past decade on internet marketing products…

Ok, not all bad, but some was proper crap!!

Anything that improved my education, then it was money well invested…


But I’m telling you straight my friend…

You are not only wasting your money but also killing your chances of growing a profitable business…

Your business means everything to you, right?


So, you must focus your time and money implementing LEAD GENERATION and CONVERSION SYSTEMS in your business.
The dumbest thing business owners do is One-and-Done Marketing.

Yes, you might generate some income by creating a one-time only campaign BUT…
Instead of piddling around with that, you could be implementing lead generation and conversion SYSTEMS that generate piles of money, day in and day out for years to come.

Why settle for a one-time cash infusion when the same effort can provide repeatable systems resulting in predictable money you can count on day in and day out?

“But Greg, I need a big cash infusion now,” you might be saying.

I get it, I’ve been there and here’s the thing…

You can create a cash flow surge AND put an autopilot lead generation and conversion system in place in your business at the same time.
There is a FORMULA for doing this, and on August 9th, my friend Dave Dee, will be sharing that formula with you via a LIVE, streaming video broadcast.

During this video broadcast, you will learn how to install a powerful lead generation and conversion “machine” into your business in a step-by-step fashion.

Dave will show you every component that makes up this powerful “machine”.  He will show you how it’s all put together, and show you how to turn it on so it cranks out profits for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Dave is a master at teaching things in an A-B-C, cookbook-like format so you can implement what you learn and see results in your bank account quickly.

During the live online event, you will have the opportunity to see just how this process works, including every tool & template you’ll need along with step-by-step guidance for creating what we call “The Ultimate Marketing Machine.”

Do NOT mistake this for a hidden sales pitch. You will learn precisely what you need to do to create and turn the machine on – nothing will be held back.

Spaces are limited due to bandwidth issues so you do need to register.

Click here to reserve your spot now and then make sure to block off the time on your calendar so you don’t miss what could be the most important four-hours of your year.


greg-noland-australiaAlways Dedicated to Your Success,
Greg Noland 



P.S. If you’ve come down to this bit of real estate first, you must be looking for the VIP link to rapidly boost your business. Well not to disappoint you, here it is: CLICK HERE

P.P.S WARNING: Space is limited so don’t come moaning to me if you miss this crucial LIVE trainings. Seats fill up because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for… even though they are free. Period.



Wow – Awesome Live Seminar just now by GKIC and Dave Dee – if you missed it, shame on you. But never mind you can still benefit and finally find the Holy Grail for building a REAL busienss with my link below:

To receive $633.91 of free money-making marketing and sales information from Dan Kennedy and GKIC simply click the link below:

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