Last Updated on 9 months by Greg Noland

Learn copywring with the master

Do you want to see two of the world’s greatest internet marketers have a fight to the death?

Honestly, I can’t wait to see who draws blood first. Yes, I have been known to enjoy graphic violence. And I don’t apologize. Yes, I get a thrill out of two grown men fight…to the death (well, not quite…but it sounded good).

Have you guessed who these two internet marketers are? Bonus point Scooby. Congrats.

Yes, Stefan Georgi and Justin Goff, once great friends, are soon gonna be duking it out live on the internet.

Why have these once great friends fallen out?

Well, Stefan had to do it didn’t he…He had to give away the crown jewels when Justin specifically told him not to.

What the diggers am I talking about, you may ponder…

Well, if you want to find out, you’re going to check out the next episode of Stefan’s Podcast.

Click here:





Do You Want To Join Stefan’s Exclusive Membership?

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Here’s what you get with the RMBC Membership:

  • Zoom call every month where Stefan will be breaking down his winning sales letters live on-screen in comprehensive detail.
  • See how he goes through everything: the headline, the lead, the background story, the mechanism, the close, the big ideas, etc…
  • See how he follows his RMBC Method in creating each offer
  • He will talk about why he made the decisions he did while writing it
  • You will be able to ask him as many questions as you want to about the letter during the call…
  • He will record the whole thing too, so that if you can’t make a live call you can still catch a replay.





stay safe with Greg Noland

So if you’re ready to blow your copywriting skills right out of the water, sign up right now…

Click here to Join:

I’ll see you in the FB Group. Don’t forget to say Hi.

You Can Do This. I Know You Can.

Greg Noland

Red Scorpion’s Head Copywriter



P.S. If you really want the freedom of making money online, I honestly believe there’s no better skill to master than copywriting.

Invest in Stefan’s RMBC Copywriting Program and learn from the BEST:

Click here to Join:


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