Last Updated on 1 year by Greg Noland

I just found out that Eric Thomas, or ET The Hip Hop Preacher is going to be Live in London this coming September.


ET is an exceptional motivator much like my friend Les Brown, perhaps his junior trainee.


I always remember watching a video on Youtube 3 or 4 years back where ET is talking to a group of Michigan State University and he tells them about a story where this dude meets a successful Guru guy and he asks him to help him become successful.


The Guru tells this guy if he wants to be successful to meet him at the beach at 4am the next day.


So he rocks up at the beach the next day at 4am in a suit, all confused like.


The Guru takes him over to the water, and tells him to come closer and closer, until he’s like waist deep in his suit.


He’s probably feeling a bit of turkey at this point, right?


The guru asks him how badly does he want success. He replies he wants it so bad.


The guru brings him deeper and deeper, until the water is around his mouth, and then he pushes his head under water until he nearly passes out.


Then the guru pulls him out and asks him: “when you were under water what did you wanna do?”


This is when Eric Thomas reveals a sentence that has been swimming around in my head every day over the last 3 or 4 years, since I first saw that video…


Are you ready for it? Here it is…



This statement or sentence has resonated with him so much and encouraged me to search out as much as I could about The Hip Hop Preacher.


So I’m delighted to hear that Eric Thomas is coming to LONDON very soon!


Eric is surely one of the living greats in business, motivation and entrepreneurship which is why I’m stoked to see him in the flesh….

Put this date down in your MUST DO Calendar
Where: London, UK
When: Sept. 24th 2016

If you’re smart you’ll grab the early bird deal of – Buy one ticket & Get one FREE



Seriously, don’t sleep on this one!

Unleash your power to overcome anything that stands in the way of your biggest dreams. Discover how to turn obstacles into motivational super-fuel.

Connect with like-minded heroes who came to win by taking control of their own journey.

Need a transformation in your life or business?

You want more with your life, right? But right now you are stuck in your comfort zone. You need the courage to slam on the accelerator and drive towards success?


To change where you’re headed, you need to choose a different path than the one you’ve been on.


Find that path with Eric Thomas Live In London.


I look forward to seeing you there.

greg-noland-australiaAlways Dedicated to Your Success,
Greg Noland 




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