Last Updated on 1 year by Greg Noland


One of the biggest lessons in life, which you usually learn AFTER your teenage years, is that you DON’T know everything.

And as an internet marketer, one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that I need a coach.

And I think it’s obvious (but not to everyone), but if you want to learn something, you want to make sure they know what they are talking about.

What I mean by that is if you want to learn about marketing, wouldn’t you find one of the Masters like Dan Kennedy?


I have spent A LOT of money over the years learning the craft of marketing, but I know every penny was well spent.

If you want to learn about Email Marketing and how to build a list, wouldn’t you chase down Andre Chaperon or Ian Stanley?

If you want to master traffic generation, I’d say you need to talk to someone like Ryan Deiss or Frank Kern.

I think you know there are many people in internet marketing selling junk courses who have tiny lists, and have rarely made a buck on the internet. You would never call any of these Masters of Internet Marketing.

It doesn’t make sense, right? You’re with me here on this, aren’t you?


Here Is a Crucial Lesson You Must Take Notice Of

You MUST do your research before you spend your hard earned green-backs on these newbies.

You know you need to learn more before you can make the kind of money to be able to quit your day job. Agree?

You know you need to learn the proper way, with no short-cuts, and learn only proven strategies that actually work.

This is all common sense, right?

So why do so many people f&ck up and spend their dosh on newbies??

All The Best Football and Basketball Teams Had An Exceptional Coach

Much like the world of sports, where the success of the best football or basketball teams is attributed not only to their star players but also to their exceptional coaches, the world of marketing and entrepreneurship mirrors this dynamic.

Legendary teams such as the Chicago Bulls under Phil Jackson or Barcelona FC under Pep Guardiola achieved incredible success, and while their squads boasted top talented players, it was their extraordinary coaches who orchestrated their triumphs.

These coaches provided the strategy, guidance, and wisdom necessary to utilize each player’s skills effectively and build a cohesive, winning team. No small feat. Especially with the common prima-donna starlets who seem impossible to manage!

Similarly, as an entrepreneur, you are the player with the raw talent and the drive to succeed.

But without a quality coach, like Stefan Georgi and his RMBC course, you might not fully utilize your potential or realize the path to victory. His course acts as your coach, providing you with the strategic playbook, guidance, and insights to leverage your skills effectively and build a successful business.

Just as in sports, having a quality coach in business can be the difference between simply competing and achieving remarkable success.

To become a master, one must learn from a master. This adage holds true across various disciplines, and it is especially relevant when embarking on the journey of building a business with marketing. The landscape is complex and ever-changing, and the knowledge and experience required to navigate it effectively are immense. Learning from one of the brightest minds in marketing can be your competitive edge, propelling you toward your goals much faster than attempting to decipher the secrets of success on your own.

A Proper Master of Internet Marketing

I’m so blessed I found Stefan Georgi. He is such a beacon in the marketing sphere. The creator of the RMBC (Research, Mechanism, Brief, Copy) Method. His course offers an opportunity to learn from a master, providing an enriching and accelerated path to becoming not just a successful copywriter but also a shrewd marketing strategist.

1. The Pitfalls of Learning from Inexperienced Trainers

In the crowded digital marketplace, self-proclaimed gurus abound, peddling inexpensive courses that promise quick success. However, it’s crucial to scrutinize the credentials of these trainers. Many have not achieved the level of success you’re aiming for, and their guidance may be based more on theory than practical, proven experience. Their courses may seem cost-effective, but they can lead you astray, waste your precious time, and leave you with more questions than answers.

Investing in such courses often results in an incomplete or even incorrect understanding of marketing principles. This lack of solid grounding can lead to ineffective marketing strategies, wasted resources, and, ultimately, business failure. In the world of marketing, the old saying “you get what you pay for” holds true – investing in cheap, inadequate training can be a costly mistake in the long run.

2. The Power of Learning from a Master

On the other hand, learning from a proven expert in the field, someone who has achieved remarkable success and continues to stay at the top of their game, provides numerous benefits. These masters bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record. They’ve been where you are and have navigated the path to where you want to be. They understand the obstacles you’ll encounter and know the strategies that work.

Stefan Georgi is a prime example of such a master. He’s one of the top direct response copywriters in the world, having written copy that has generated over $700 million in sales across different niches. His credibility is unquestionable, and his RMBC Method has been hailed as a game-changer in the industry.

3. The Value of the RMBC Method

While Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Method was initially developed as a systematic approach to writing high-converting sales copy, it offers much more. Beyond copywriting, it provides a framework for developing a sharp marketing mind.

The RMBC Method’s structured, research-driven approach offers a blueprint for understanding your target market deeply, enabling you to tailor your messaging effectively. It helps you articulate your unique selling proposition clearly, strategically positioning your business in the marketplace. Its focus on aligning marketing efforts with business goals ensures efficiency and goal-oriented results.

All these factors combined result in a marketing strategy that’s effective, impactful, and ultimately, successful. The RMBC Method equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to navigate the complex world of marketing successfully.

4. The Investment that Pays Dividends

Indeed, the RMBC course is not cheap. However, consider it an investment rather than an expense. The knowledge and skills you’ll acquire can dramatically accelerate your progress and amplify your earnings. They’ll equip you to create effective marketing strategies that drive customer engagement and sales growth, boosting your return on investment far beyond what cheaper courses could offer.

Instead of setting yourself up for failure by choosing low-cost, low-value courses, investing in high-quality training like the RMBC course sets you up for success. You’ll learn not just the principles but also the practical, proven strategies that successful marketers use to excel. This course offers an accelerated path to becoming a successful marketer, equipping you to reach your goals much faster.

Final Thoughts On Why You Need A Master Training You

In the journey to success in the world of marketing, the path you choose matters.

Attempting to decipher the complexities of the marketing world on your own or following the guidance of inexperienced trainers can lead to avoidable mistakes, wasted time, and missed opportunities.

However, learning from a master like Stefan Georgi can propel you to your goals much faster and more efficiently.

His RMBC course is more than just a copywriting program; it’s a comprehensive training in developing a sharp, successful marketing mind.

It’s an investment that pays dividends, offering value far beyond its cost. Don’t settle for less; learn from the best and set yourself up for success.


Click this link below to get started, right now…

**YES! I Want to benefit from The RMBC Method and Transform My Life in 2024.

Give Me Instant Access Right Now!**

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Always Dedicated to Your Success,
Greg Noland

FAQs On Why You Need A Master Training You

1. Why should I avoid cheap, self-proclaimed guru-led courses?

These courses often lack practical, proven experience and can lead you astray, waste your time, and result in ineffective marketing strategies.

It’s crucial to learn from someone who has achieved remarkable success in the field.


2. Why is learning from a master like Stefan Georgi beneficial?

A master brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record.

They understand the obstacles you’ll encounter and know the strategies that work.

Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Method offers a systematic approach to writing high-converting sales copy and provides a framework for developing a sharp marketing mind.


3. Isn’t the RMBC course expensive?

While the RMBC course is not cheap, consider it an investment rather than an expense.

The skills and knowledge you’ll acquire can dramatically accelerate your progress and amplify your earnings.


4. Why is the RMBC Method more than just a copywriting course?

Beyond copywriting, the RMBC Method provides a framework for understanding your target market deeply, articulating your unique selling proposition clearly, and aligning your marketing efforts with your business goals. This equips you with the skills and knowledge to navigate the complex world of marketing successfully.


5. Can I achieve success in marketing by learning on my own?

While self-learning is possible, it’s often a longer, more challenging path filled with avoidable mistakes. Learning from a master accelerates your progress, equips you with proven strategies, and sets you up for success.


6. How can the RMBC Method accelerate my progress and amplify my earnings?

The RMBC Method equips you with the skills and knowledge to create effective marketing strategies.

These will drive customer engagement and sales growth, boosting your return on investment far beyond what cheaper courses could offer.

This can dramatically accelerate your progress and amplify your earnings.


Click this link below to get started, right now…

**YES! I Want to benefit from The RMBC Method and Transform My Life in 2024.

Give Me Instant Access Right Now!**

Click >> HERE NOW!!

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